Fallout 4 Rap
“Fallout 4 Rap” drops you straight into the irradiated Commonwealth, following the Sole Survivor’s journey from pre-war suburban life to post-apocalyptic legend. Packed with authentic game references, this track takes you through every major location and faction – from joining the Brotherhood of Steel aboard the Prydwen to running with the Railroad and dealing with Preston’s endless settlement missions. Whether you’re gunning down Super Mutants, building up Sanctuary Hills, or exploring Far Harbor’s misty shores with Dogmeat, each bar captures the essence of wasteland survival. Between the Nuka-World name drops, Codsworth callbacks, and those signature Fallout moments, this track serves as both a tribute to the game and a survivors’ guide to post-nuclear Boston.
Album Art:

Music Video:
moving around the Commonwealth
am I a synth am I really myself?
low to the ground when I’m using stealth
Stim Pack shot to replenish health
got a mini nuke and a wooden swatter
survival mode made life much harder
I’m a hit you in the face and then go charter
a boat to the mist to the aisle Far Harbor
started out with my wife and kid
till the bombs came, messed up my crib
had to escape down to a vault
war never changes, what did it solve?
wife gets shot then son gets stolen
I’m stuck here helpless – bodies frozen
I swear when I get out I’m a start patrolling
I’m a take these skulls I’m a bust em open
couple hundred years landscape’s eroding
church of Atom has my devotion
I’m pistol holding – gun fascination
shoot Super Mutants with radiation
clean up the streets I’m sanitation
kill you below at the subway station
gallery of gore like Pickman
with this calling card I’m sick man
life’s changed, Codsworth’s the same
Sanctuary’s where I remain
built a fortress with workshop
drink Nuka Cola till my heart stop
got ripper blades that are sharp
cars everywhere rusted in park
made some friends, some companions
enemies with some fights intense
can you defeat me? no there’s not a chance
boss a’ Nuka World so I’m important
killed every one in Railroad till there membership became zeroed
on this Prydwen blimp I’m riding collecting viable blood for science
Brotherhood’s my alliance guiding Liberty Prime for violence
marketplace with Takahashi noodle cups are delicious and oh so hardy
go to Goodneighbor just to kill somebody or they’ll do it first up in this society
Deathclaws – Protectrons – booby traps that get stepped on
Molerats n yao guai to mirelurks and bloatfly
went berserk – first time I saw glowing nuka lurk
seen it first hand they’ve been known to hurt
the dude Kellog is a stupid jerk
so I’m gonna level up and collect a perk
so I can – do some task for the minute men
Preston’s quests never end
and the reason I joined I don’t know, I’ll be damned
what should I do? Go to Red Rocket or Gwinett Brew?
eat preserved pie or the mutfruit?
forget fast travel lets walk through this charter schools with a bunch of ghouls and go to
Swans Pond maybe Hyde Park, Check out all of Boston’s landmarks
me and Dogmeat got a big journey to embark